Friday, February 7, 2014

Starting out in the Ocala National Forrest. Then drove to Daytona Beach. Well, just north of it. Cant remember the name of the beach.

In the morning, this is what we found ourselves in. The night before, the sand was getting really soft and deep, so I stopped to check it out with a flashlight. Luckily there was a spot to pull off to our right. When I started going again, we started digging down into the sand road. Dropped tire pressure by 20 lbs, and unloaded a couple water jugs and we pulled right out. Huge relief.

This was the beach just north of Daytona Beach.

May have to get one of those someday...

Monday, February 3, 2014

St. Augustine FL (the oldest town/city in the US)

A coffee shop thats owned and operated by Australians. The guy made me one of the best lattes I've had to date. 

I'd like to read the backstory to this fort. Guessing it didnt get to see much action.

An early 'rifled' canon for greater accuracy.

Im guessing this was a base for another cannon to be shot from.

This is awesome. Having a regular cannon ball shot at your boat was bad enough. I'm curious how they'd carry a red hot cannon ball to the cannon itself. Massive tongs?

This is the 'cannon ball oven' they would use. 

Didn't meet the owner of this creation, but I'm guessing that its not quiet.

The Power Rangers were in town riding there action scooters...

Not sure what to say about these things... Interesting concept, the fit and finish seemed good(some cnc'ed pieces). An automatic transmission?? Boo. Spent some time talking with the owner of one of these. Built in Texas. Come to find out it has a motor from a Ford Ranger. Not sure which motor. For me, I would not shell out the cash for this thing, but, I think there could be more open cockpit car designs out there. Not this one but more like the KTM Xbow. Maybe more rubber in the back, maybe exposed "laker" style exhaust, less plastic, steel lattice frame, a bucket seat with a 5 point harness, turbo charged, exposed Ohlins suspension... etc, etc. I dont know, more of a widow maker design. ;)

Again, not my cup of tea, just an interesting trike conversion. 

A couple really cool, massive boats were docked in the marina that day.

Public auction...

The front door to the coffee shop was at the base of the tall building. 

Interesting style. Lots of planning and paint per stroke. 

Is it old or made to look old? Maybe both?

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Everglade State Park

Some of largest avocados are down here. They actually taste good too.

One of my favorites to date.